Thrifting in the House

Guys. I do apologize. I started this blog with the best of intentions. But you all know what happens when you start things with good intentions. Life tends to laugh in your face and poop all over your intentions. So, I can't promise that I won't ever go this long again, but I can promise you that I will only write when I feel like it, and lately, I haven't felt like it. I really don't want this blog to be an obligation, I want it to be fun, honest and real. That means I will only write when my heart says I should write.  Today it felt like writing about a place I miss lately, and that's home.

By now, you know that Target donates (or sells, I honestly have no clue how it gets there) some of their merchandise to Goodwill. Thankfully, this is NOT limited to clothes. There are also tons of home decor products at Goodwill from Target. They donate pretty much anything and everything. I have seen beauty products to diapers.

Back in November we renovated part of our house. It used to look like this....

  Look, I know what you're thinking. Wood paneling and blue carpet is pretty much on trend these days, BUT we decided to move forward. The game plan was to put up a wall and make half the room a bedroom. I am only going to show you the living area today because the extra bedroom is kind of my closet at the moment and the curtain rod may or may not be hanging on for it's dear life.

By the way, believe everything you hear about home renovations. They. Are. Awful. The awfulness did NOT come from our contractors, (we used a contractor for part of the work). Let's just face it, I am a spoiled woman who likes things to be complete in a week. Yes, I like to live in a world full of rainbows and unicorns. All of the dust and paint was worth it. Our finished product is below.

Finally, to the thrifting. My gallery wall is mostly thrifted Target items. Let me show you. 

 Try not to be jealous of my sperm arrows. The clock and the mirror were definitely my favorite finds.      

The pillow is thrifted and the chair was actually a hand me down from my Mom. Technically it was better than thrifted, it was free!

The orange blanket is thrifted and actually still in stores for 40 dollars. I bought it at Goodwill, still with tags for 12.99. 

The room is still a work in progress. I didn't take a picture of the entire room because I am still working on accessorizing my entertainment center. By the way, I am terrible at accessorizing with fashion and my home. I have decided that I am just going to wait until Joanna Gaines shows up at my door. Rainbows and unicorns.  Until next time friends.

 <3 Ashlie

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